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Episode 3: What Gets in the Way of Playing Full Out? Turning Burnout into Vibrant Health

Unleash your inner spark with Carla White on “Permission to Play!”

Permission to Play, hosted by Carla White, is the only show for professional women and female leaders who have spent their lives improving their BEing to BE the best version of themselves. If you are caught in an endless cycle of striving, pushing, and achieving but not feeling fulfilled (or worse, are burned out and exhausted) this show will inspire you with fun, playful and uplifting ways to enjoy your life...

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Episode 2: Ignite Your Spark: From Self Care to Soul Care

Unleash your inner spark with Carla White on “Permission to Play!”

Permission to Play, hosted by Carla White, is the only show for professional women and female leaders who have spent their lives improving their BEing to BE the best version of themselves. If you are caught in an endless cycle of striving, pushing, and achieving but not feeling fulfilled (or worse, are burned out and exhausted) this show will inspire you with fun, playful and uplifting ways to enjoy your life...

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Episode 1: Ignite Fun to Breakthrough Burnout

Unleash your inner spark with Carla White on “Permission to Play!”

Permission to Play, hosted by Carla White, is the only show for professional women and female leaders who have spent their lives improving their BEing to BE the best version of themselves. If you are caught in an endless cycle of striving, pushing, and achieving but not feeling fulfilled (or worse, are burned out and exhausted) this show will inspire you with fun, playful and uplifting ways to enjoy your life...

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