What Do You REALLY Want?
Jan 17, 2022
Today, I want to talk about dreams and desires. What are your dreams and desires, especially the ones that you might have let go of long ago?
I remember going to my very first Jack Canfield event. And one of the exercises that we did was "What Do You Want?". And I recognized that here I was, like 45 years old. I had been adulting for quite some time. And it was a moment for me to actually like focus in on what do I want, not what my family or my parents want for me or what society wants, but what do I want?
It was this Aha moment for me. When I stopped and really focused on that, I sort of realized that this was not how I'd been living my life. I've been pushing away a lot of what I want inadvertently, by not focusing on it and not dreaming, because I had stopped dreaming.
It really struck a chord with me out of everything that I learned in that week. That "what do you want?" question kept coming up. So I was returning home from the event and I was standing in the airport looking at a menu on the wall. I was like a deli thing. I was really trying to settle in and ask myself, "what do I want?". Trying to decide based on what I felt -- in my body -- like eating in the moment. It was like this existential moment where I was just standing there kind of lost in all of it.
And this guy comes walking up and I said to him, "Go ahead if you want, because I'm still trying to decide what I want".
And he turns to me and said, "Honey, if I knew what I want, my life wouldn't be such a mess right now". And he walked off.
It really struck me in that moment how much this seemingly simple concept can impact our lives. So right now I want you to just take a moment and think about --
- What do you want? What do you want your next year to look like?
When we pay attention to those desires -- our hearts desires -- it's actually messages from our soul that are directing us to that next step to go after what we want.
And the reason that we might be feeling stuck or unhappy or stressed is because we're not listening to that. So pay attention to what those desires are. Those wants are giving us messages of about our life.
My annual soul care plan, which is basically my version of a business plan, is where I really look at what are the wants and design and dreams that I'm ready to go after.
I replied, "More comfortable shoes".
Get really clear on what you want and how to get it...it's easier than you think.
Join me at the Reignite Your Spark Retreat. Registration ends March 10, 2023
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