Pssst! - Gently caress this bar if you wanna come join the party!

If you're a Powerhouse Woman done with exhaustion & burnout—ready to powerfully live & lead with EASE, FUN and enJOYment...You're in the right place!


Find the Funny Faster to Feel More You

Burn BS Beliefs - Ignite Passions - Spark Flourishing

Choose Your Opportunity!

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Join our 🍸 & Connection Community

Join this group of gals and let Carla show you how to live and lead with ease, more FUN and enjoyment.

You can expect weekly-ish emails, filled with wit, wisdom and wellness insights. 


Reignite Your Spark Retreat ⚡️

If you are done with exhaustion and burnout and you're ready to powerfully live & lead with more FUN and enjoyment.

Join us for a weekend of blissful relaxation, growth and vivacious energy to reignite your SPARK!

Energize U 🎉


Carla has amalgamated over 30 years of expertise in wellness, her unique fusion of wit and wisdom, with the power of fun, play and laughter to create the life-changing Energize methodology. 

Find the Funny Faster

Within you is the innate capacity for vibrant health & vivacious energy... I teach women leaders how to find the funny faster, so they can FLOURISH as they impact the world in a huge way!  


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